His masculine has created a comfortable space for my feminine to grow with ease
Sit with me
Explore my being
Fuelled by curiosity
Prove that the cat wasn't killed by that alone
There's nothing dangerous about my path of growth
Make my mind feel known
Make sense of every beat
My feet makes through my toes
As anxiety rolls around
And the knees start to bounce
Calm the instrumental by producing an intimate sound
Be the musician that every great artist has found
Reveal your heart so when I feel my own pound
My mind won't race and circle 'round
It'll have a home in your rhythm to finally slow down
Set a pace
Create tastes
That my mouth should've known
But because of paths walked
And hearts crossed
Its something that's never been shown
These flavours need their own palette
I volunteer my plate
You would never imagine how long I've been feeling this crave
One without a name
But once felt everything else feels sane
Add value to my name
Create a melody of my syllables through the tempo of your voice
One that can't be replicated
And will never feel like noise
Do this
Do this
Without me asking