Welcome to our city
It's made of organelles
If we all work together
We can make a functioning cell
Let me walk you through
The tips and trick
To survive in the city for thee
Welcome to Celldon
Where our flourishing land is green
Our organelles are in shape and pristine
Let me introduce you to
Our favorite organelles
Together we all
Run this cell
There's the cell membrane
He's like border patrol
In charge is the nucleus
The man in control
There is the cell wall
He provides support
The golgi bodies are like
A post office- they export
The ribosome makes proteins
For the cell
The endoplasmic reticulum
Is power lines in a nutshell
Welcome to Celldon
Where our flourishing land is green
Our organelles are in shape and pristine
Mitochondria makes
Energy and power
The vacuole
Is like a water tower
Chloroplast is green
And captures sunlight
Lysosomes digest dead organelles
With great might
This is the end of our tour
I hope you had fun
It might be closing down soon
But it had a great run
Welcome to Celldon
Where our flourishing land is green
Our organelles are in shape and pristine