Starbomb is an American musical-comedy group composed of Dan Avidan and Brian Wecht of musical-comedy duo Ninja Sex Party together with Flash animator and Internet personality Arin Hanson.
All three are also known as a part of YouTube Let's Play webseries Game Grumps.
Regarding the songwriting process, Hanson stated in July 2018 that the third album was an equal effort between the three members, in opposition to previous albums in which he felt that Avidan and Wecht were responsible for most of the songwriting. He stated "my footprint on the first two albums wasn't super huge. It was... Ninja Sex Party does video game songs, featuring Egoraptor, you know, whereas the third Starbomb album really feels like we all wrote it together." Later the same month, Avidan agreed that the new album would be more of a team effort.
Dan Avidan - lead and backing vocals
Arin Hanson - rapping, backing vocals
Brian Wecht - keyboards, programming