Jesus Mary Joseph wrote the law down
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it through the town
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it all around
Like that, like that, like that
Spare this man a pencil, spare this man a dime
Being broke is criminal, but never been a crime
Build yourself a church, build yourself a shrine
To yourself, yourself, yourself
Jesus Mary Joseph wrote the law down
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it through the town
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it all around
Like that, like that, like that
Never been a sinner, never been a saint
I'm somewhere in the middle, but I'll tell you what I ain't
Never been a quitter that bitches and complains
Watch out, watch out, watch out
Jesus Mary Joseph wrote the law down
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it through the town
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it all around
Like that, like that, like that
So come in to my chapel, grab yourself a pew
Listen to my sermon and learn a thing or two
Reach deep into your pockets - no need to be prude
Pay up, pay up, pay up
Jesus Mary Joseph wrote the law down
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it through the town
Jesus Mary Joseph spread it all around
Like that, like that, like that