Steven Universe: The Movie is a 2019 American animated musical science fantasy film based on the animated television series Steven Universe created by Rebecca Sugar. The film is co-written and directed by Sugar, alongside co-directors Joe Johnston and Kat Morris, and stars Zach Callison, Estelle, Michaela Dietz, Deedee Magno Hall, and Sarah Stiles, alongside an ensemble cast reprising their roles from the television series.
Steven Universe: The Movie takes place two years after the events of the series finale "Change Your Mind", and follows the Crystal Gems as they attempt to save all organic life on Earth from a deranged Gem with a history with Steven's mother Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz.
The film was announced at San Diego Comic-Con 2018, and a short teaser trailer was later released on Cartoon Network's YouTube channel. At San Diego Comic-Con 2019, a trailer for the film was released, along with the announcement of a documentary based on the film's creation to be released along with the DVD. The film premiered on Cartoon Network on September 2, 2019, to 1.57 million viewers. It was the first Cartoon Network original film since 2015's Regular Show: The Movie.
The film takes place between the original Steven Universe series and its follow-up, Steven Universe Future.