What if Jesus was a black man
Would you still be a Christian
Would you spend all summer on that mission
Would the bible be like Harry Potter fiction
Or would you still love and hold on
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
What if Jesus was a white man
Would He sail with the Europeans
Would He come inside your house and say it's mine like the Indians
Or would you still love and hold on
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
What if Jesus was a Mexican
Would you deport Him to the land of His spanish friends
Would you separate him from his loved parents
Or would you show love and hold on
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
God don't separate the weak from the real stong
No one is greater than or less than He
Crucified between a robber and a thief
He showed love and held on
He didn't separate Himself from the real stong
He didn't separate Himself from the real stong
He didn't separate Himself from the real stong
He didn't separate Himself from the real stong
He didn't separate Himself from the real stong