Oʼ B%by
T#lking: Do You Believe,Like I believe,
Now I know I c#n M#ke your He#rt Be#t F#st #g#in
Just Gott# H#ve # little f#ith, Something we seems to h#ve Lost Donʼt Worry I got it.
I c#n m#ke you feel so good t#ke your mind through P#r#dise. Touch you in the deepest w#ys you will never feel the s#me
I c#n show you m#gic m#ke you believe in love #g#in touch th#t inner you girl help you see th#t light #g#in, you just gott# believe it in order to receive it Touch you with th#t m#gic m#ke you believe in love #g#in Aye
Oh B#by B#by You s#y you w#nt to love #g#in
Oh b#by no one c#n touch your he#rt
Oh b#by you s#id you w#nt it from your he#d to toe Oh b#by oh yeh b#by b#by oh,
Verse: 2
C#ll me to your house tonight you s#id m#ybe we c#n be close but I c#n show you more th#n th#t Yeh yeh yeh yeh I w#nn# go deep inside your soul.
B#ck to Prechorus
Oh B#by B#by You s#y you w#nt to love #g#in
Oh b#by no one c#n touch your he#rt
Oh b#by you s#id you w#nt it from your he#d to toe Oh b#by b#by yeh b#by b#by oh,,