Girl you cam3 in my lif3
And shad3 a lil light.
It was lil but turn3d so bright.
I can't s33 what's ah3ad of m3
But i f33l this f33ling surround m3, so gr3at
I can't r3lat3
I can't r3lat3333
N3v3r f3lt nothing so gr3at
Baib3 I can't r3lat3, but it' f33ls so gr3at
I want you to stay h3r3.
To stay- y3ah
Baib3 girl just today
From today, baib3 from Today!
Imma want you to stay.
Girl about th3 p3opl3
I don't car3 what th3y say. (Uh)
Baib3 m3 and th3m w3 ain't 3qual
Coz i Got you Today....
Baib3 i got you today!!!...
I Don't car3 about positions, coz im with you
Coz you mak3 my d3cision f33l kinda good
And my lif3 if kinda b3tt3r now, it f33ls cool
Coz im with you..... Baib3333.
I Don't car3 about positions, coz im with you
Coz you mak3 my d3cision f33l kinda good
Y3a, f33l kinda cool
Y3 my lif3 is kinda cool, coz I'm with you
Im with you
I don't car3 about position.... Y3ah
Wh3n i mak3 som3 d3cisions. Y3ah
It's wh3n i- call up on your phon3 uh
T3ll m3 what you thinking ..... Oh!
You think this- this is cool?
Hahaha Okay,
Wait now!
My lif3 is kinda cool
Sh3 don't car3 that i- smok3 this splif
3v3n though sh3 don't but
W3 b3 conn3ct3d h3r3, y3h y3h
Conn3ct wit it
Conn3cting mor3.
Th3s3 niggs n3v3r g3tting P3ac3 wit it.
On that i r3ally knowww.....
From day w3 m3t this lif3 way much b3tt3r Shawty.
From tha day w3 m3t, this lif3 is g3tting b3tt3r Shawty.
I just wanna stay, im n3v3r l3tting go of you.
If im 3v3r going, th3n im going with you along wit m3... Oooowww!
I don't car3 if I
Imma hav3 to go out
All around tha world, just to s3arch you again
But I
Imma mak3 sur3 I n3v3r loos3 you
So I won't hav3 to s3arch
I Don't car3 about position.... Y3ah
You mad3 my d3cision. Y3h
You mad3 my d3cision com3 tru3
3v3rything s33ms... s33ms good and r3al
Damn! This Tun3 is for you.
I Don't car3 about positions, wh3n im with you
Girl you mak3 my d3cision f33l kinda good
My lif3 is so simpl3, f33ls kinda cool
And Now that i Got you....
I Don't car3 about positions, coz im with you
Girl you mak3 my d3cision f33l kinda good
My lif3 is so simpl3..... and its cool
Coz i Got you baib3....
(I got you Baib3)