Some kinda liquid recalibration.
Just a brainwave in a deep sea of thought.
Some kinda subliminal solifluction.
A hole at the end of the world.
Some kinda liquid recalibration.
Just a brainwave in a deep sea of thought.
Some kinda subliminal solifluction.
A hole at the end of the world.
Some kinda creeping desensitisation,
A dam in the stream of consciousness.
Colliding, two oceans meeting.
You can see there's a difference.
You can feel the difference.
Some kinda metaphysical sorta function.
A hole at the end of the world.
(Just gotta say that things are gettin better).
Some kinda subliminal solifluction.
A hole at the end of the world.
Some kinda liquid recalibration.
Just a brainwave in a deep sea of thought.
Colliding, two oceans meeting.
You can see there's a difference.
You can feel the difference.
Some kinda milky way.
Things just flow away.
Theres a hole at the end of the world.
Colliding, two oceans meeting.
You can see there's a difference.
You can feel the difference.
Some kinda metaphysical.
Things just flow away.
There's a hole at the end of the world.
There's a hole at the end of the world.
Calibrating our feelings.
Metaphysical ceilings.
Theres a hole at the end of the world.