Loud and magical atmosphere
I'm waiting for the lights to dim
Take me somewhere
Something in the air
Is full of promises
I'm ready to get insane
The show is about to begin
Give me the sound, give me the thrill
Turn on the amps
Something in the air
Grabs me by the guts
Making me insane
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
A final cry from the heart
Next time I will try to not end up so drunk
Take me somewhere
Something in the air
Is full of promises
I'm ready to get insane
Turn on the amps
Something in the air
Grabs me by the guts
Making me insane
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound
Give me that sound, give me that sound