I'm living with addiction
I'm fighting it right now
And no one could help me quit if they tried
I have to do the work myself
My heroes
Did the same thing
And I can't lie
I want that life
I've lived through
Plenty of downfalls
And I survived
Well I'm alive
I've gotta play hard
To keep it moving
To keep things light
At least some of the time
I'm trying to find a balance in life
It's better than it was
I've had to learn the hardest ways
But I'm grateful to have learned
I've got my own
Problems feeling the way I want
And the heartache took my soul
Now I'm just squeezin what I can from life alone
Won't know the reason until I'm old
My heroes
Did the same thing
Well how did that
Turn out for them
I know their stories
I knew them back then
And still I did
The things I did
I bet I'd almost
Give it all up
But I do fine
Most of the time
Well I'm not perfect
But I have balance
At least for now
At least for now