O god ov the furnace
God ov destruction
Rise up in thy majesty
Rise up o god ov fire
In thy power, devour my enemy's
Son ov the flaming disc
Offspring ov the golden weapon
Master ov the magicians
Slayer ov the serpent I beckon
O god ov the furnace
God ov destruction
Rise up in thy majesty
If the power asks why, that power is weakness
Rise up o god ov fire
In thy power, devour my enemy's
O god ov the furnace
God ov destruction
Rise up in thy majesty
Burn the evil and the evil-doer
Burn the sorcerer
Burn them, destroy them
Spirit ov the god ov fire thou art conjured
O god ov the furnace
God ov destruction
Rise up in thy majesty
And within thy furnace heart, thou shalt burn in thy own flame