Raise a glass to the biggest ass in the room
Gloating and quoting his favorite TV show
It's one I used to watch a lot
But it was quite a while ago
He walks over to me and gets my name wrong
He's known me for a while at this point
Should I entertain his ego
F*ck it, I'll flip a coin
Make a toast to the person who cares the most
About people who don't care about her back
She needs to find a new scene
It's not a personal attack
I know what she really wants to be
I know what she wants deep down
But right now she's playing a character
Putting on her best clown
Look at you, feeling your way around the house
Who put you in charge of matchmaker
Bouncing around the different crowds of conversation
You don't even like the bands
You're only here for shaking hands
Three cheers to my friend in tears
She wasn't expecting there to be such a crowd
The lights are flashing a little too bright
And the music's playing a little too loud
I take her outside and walk her home
She has big plans the next day
I drop her off and head to my place
And dream the night away