She don't wanna be saved
She wanna be brave
She want that love like
Kissing in the rain
Don't complain
Dumb mistakes
Lies and the cheats
How you got played
You wanna laugh
You wanna cry
You wanna love
While you saying goodbye
Sad to your grave
Smile on your face
There's so much love
She don't wanna be saved
Everything's over
Gotta be okay
Can't let this mindset
Play it's game
Hate having tears coming from your face
Hate how your feelings are ripping away
They go away
Haven't even got a soul that feels the same
Did you wrong
Broke my heart
But if it's okay
Can we just restart
But there's no pause
No new laws
But we always knew
It'd be this hard
And so much bliss
Came at a price
I just hope it's worth it
Pay your way
And I'll make time
You're my secret treasure
Gotta get what's mine
You're a princess now
But when you're my queen
We'll make our castle
If you know what I mean
She don't wanna be saved
She wanna be brave
She want that love like
Kissing in the rain
Don't complain
Dumb mistakes
Lies and the cheats
How you got played
You wanna laugh
You wanna cry
You wanna love
While you saying goodbye
Sad to your grave
Smile on your face
There's so much love
She don't wanna be saved