Well, I've been counting these Decembers
As they pile up like old embers
And I've been looking for some meaning in these ashes
And I never got fair warning
Or the measure of my mourning
How a house of cards can build until it crashes
I'm still waiting for all the free lunches
I'm still pulling all of my punches
I just never thought it would all come down to this
They say metal sharpens metal
And I've got some scores to settle
But we all know how this thing is going to end
With all the dreams I've yet to awaken
All the chances I haven't taken
I can't pay my dues, but I can make amends
I'm still sailing out to clear weather
I'm still heavy as a feather
I just never thought I'd see days that look like this
Now I'm sorting through old pictures
I've been deconstructing fixtures
And I'm looking at my life in sepia tones
I've been living out this story
Written rough in storms and glory
What my head forgets I know down in my bones
I'm still navigating my past
I'm still lashing myself to the mast
I just never thought it would all come down to this