Soulless, but kept intact
Gladly i'd give it back
Handful of empty threats
Careful on what you step
Maybe it's only me
Crazy, that's what i seem
Lately i could be wrong
Who cares, i've thought too long
Your life, just up ahead
Short sight, the dream is dead
Fandom and circles walked
Boredom, no time to talk
Anytime, no matter where
You decide if you can bare
Another day of life subdued
You're not exempt, you're blue
Only if time stops moving is it for naught
Maybe it's all a dream
Strangely, that's how it seems
Phantoms, with you they walk
Forces that move the clocks
Forward for those behind
Numbered in chance and time
Grasping, lost at your breath
No doubt, you know the rest
Only if time stops moving is it for naught