I pen poems persistently
Proclamations of perfect love, profusely
Paintings painted, picture perfect
Ponderings of love, perpetually
Pin point the feelings. Pause
Play, feel at ease, I just say it with ease
Emancipation of emotions
Entangled in the web of joy, I'm elated
Elevation, my spirit is in high elations
Eloped with your heart, eventually
Elongation of our time, spread it evenly
Eminent and exclusive,yes yours exclusively
Exclusively, this heart is yours heartedly
Heaven heard hailings of a hung human
Hearkened and heard, heart's hopefulness
How it hankered, and sought a habitation
A haven with heartwarming hue and horizon
Away from the haphazards and hullabaloo
I pen poems persistently for you
You always in the centerfold, you
A beauty carefully curated and crafted
Cracked from a cocoon with cheerfulness
Callipygous colleen, can I adorn carefreely
Clink like a clam, clang like a clock
Create tunes cosigned by God, canorously
Leaving our hearts connected, like cardioids
Cemented connection, you are my muse
I pen poems persistently for love
For you
For us
For love