Another day
Another lasagna tray
To gobble down with such glee
No I'm not fat!
No you just can't prove that!
Give me evidence and I'll agree!
You may think I'm fat, but isn't that really a matter of opinion?
There's no definitive proof you can point to
Therefore, I am innocent until proven chubby!
Hello, I am RX-2, your talking scale
I'll be supplying that proof you requested
Hop on, tubby
Another day
A day with RX-2
Who always sets me up to fail
But I can't wait
I need to read my weight
Why must I be drawn to scale?
Alright scale, I don't like you, and you don't like me
So lets just be civil and make this as painless as possible!
Painless? With you stepping on me?
This will only be painless for me if you've lost 80 pounds!
You are proof that artificial intelligence has gone too far!
Alright, I'm sorry. I promise to give you a fair, unbiased assessment of your weight Truce?
Ow ow ow ow, get him off me, get him off me! Just get off!
Alright that's it, you're history!
She started it
Oh whoopsie!
I smashed her battery
For telling me that I am fat
She had to pay
And you know what they say
Curiosity killed the cat
And this time, it killed the scale!
I got no shame, I can't complain, and here's the truth
If you fat shame, then you're to blame, and i will file a harassment suit
Seriously you guys, body shaming is no joke
Isn't that right Odie, you scrawny bitch ass bag of bones? Ha ha... ha
Another day
Another lasagna tray
To gobble down with such glee
No I'm not fat!
No you just can't prove that!
There's not a bit of evidence that I can see!
Another day
Another day to eat
So let the calories prevail
I won't feel bad
For the food I had
Because I won't be drawn, he won't be drawn
I won't be drawn, he won't be drawn
I won't be drawn to scale!
Drawn to scale!