Please never ask me my opinion
Cause I'll take it too far
I'm just a young pretentious snot
Who likes to play guitar
I'm far from healthy and being young is getting tough
But nothing scares the shit out of me more than growing up
I wanna buy out every restaurant so I don't have to wait
And order all the appetizers in the goddamn state
I wanna tattoo album artwork all over my chest
Start living off coke and red peppers, work with Kanye West
I wanna be a mess that's prone to drunken fits
Can I please be brilliant enough to justify this shit?
Let me be your flavor of the day
I'll make a fortune, piss it all away
Do one thing right and everything else wrong
I'd be an overnight success but I don't wanna wait that long
I wanna spend a year in exile, let people think I'm dead
Become obsessed with cryogenics, plan to freeze my head
Now I'm your spectacle, neighborhood eccentric
Can I please be brilliant enough to justify this shit
Justify this shit
Please just buy my shit