I'm on vacation right now
This is my vacation window
This is what I've been saying
I'm my avatar
God, you're not evening listening
Do you want to know something
I know that I'm sleeping but my teeth feel upside down
I know, it's so weird
Yeah I told you I did it already
Derds. Nerds
Ah! That's Voltaire
Sorry, jeez Louise, I offered to help but I take it back
You know we're supposed to be betting on our rooms
We should be betting on our rooms
Oh my god
I'm on vacation right now
This is my vacation window
This is what I've been saying
I'm my avatar
God, you're not evening listening
Do you want to know something
I know that I'm sleeping but my teeth feel upside down
That's Voltaire
Oh my god
It's a big f*cking deal, man
It's a big f*cking deal
Make sure you're not knocking any, you know
Needles into the bed over there
Nope, nope, 'cause then there are two wraps
The stuff is wrapped twice
You're not listening to me
Teddyugh, it's Saturday
Go away, I hate my life
Yeah there was something about something that was always weird
Take that off
What's that sound
It's no sound
Probably just Pippen dreaming
Okay thanks for debating with me
Yeah, nobody knows that we do team stuff
It's a disaster
This is like opposite day, I swear to god
I swear to god
I'm on vacation right now
This is my vacation window
This is what I've been saying
I'm my avatar