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Tegan and Sara Lyrics

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From the Album 1. That Girl 2. Faint Of Heart 3. Boyfriend 4. Dying To Know 5. Stop Desire 6. White Knuckles 7. 100x 8. BWU 9. U-Turn 10. Hang On To The Night

From the Single Everything Is Awesome!!!

From the Album 1. You Wouldnt Like Me 2. Take Me Anywhere 3. I Bet It Stung 4. I Know I Know I Know 5. Where Does The Good Go 6. Downtown 7. I won´t be left 8. Walking With A Ghost 9. So Jealous 10. Speak slow 11. Wake Up Exhausted 12. We Didnt Do It 13. Fix You Up 14. I Cant Take It

Other Songs All I Have to Give the World Is Me All You Got Alligator And Darling Are You Ten Years Ago Arrow Back In Your Head Beauty Buried Alive Burn Your Life Down Call It Off Celebration City Girl Clever meals Closer Come On Come On Kids Dancing in the dark Dark Come Soon Days And Days Divided Don Don´t be cruel Dont Believe the Things They Tell You (They Lie) Dont Confess Dont Find Another Love Don´t go looking for me Dont Rush Drove Me Wild Emaculation Empty in between Falling asleep Feel It In My Bones Floorplan Freedom Frozen Girls Talk Give Chase Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Guilty As Charged Heavy Hell Hello Hello Im Right Here Here i am Hey Im Just Like You Hold My Breath Until I Die Hop A Plane How Come You Dont Want Me Hype I can´t take I Couldnt Be Your Friend I Dont Owe You Anything I Hear Noises I Know Im Not the Only One I Run Empty I Take All The Blame I Was A Fool I Was Married Ill Be Back Someday Im Not Your Hero Infamous It Was Midnight Just Me Keep Them Close Cause They Will Fuck You Too Knife Going In Lately Left Me To Wonder Light Up Like O Like H Living Room Love They Say Love type Love Type Thing Missing you Monday Monday Monday More For Me Morning comes My Number Night Watch Nineteen Northshore Not Tonight Not With You Now Im All Messed Up On Directing One month One Second Our Trees Paperback Head Please Help Me Proud Red Belt Relief Next To Me Sentimental Tune Sheets Shock To Your System Shudder To Think Soil Soil Someday Splunk song Star money Superstar Terrible Storm The Con The Cure The First The Ocean Their waiting for you There´s still time This Is Everything Time Running Trouble Underwater Want To Be Bad We Dont Have Fun When Were Together Anymore Welcome Home When I Get Up When you were mine Wrists You Go Away and I Dont Mind You Went Away You Went Away Your love
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Tegan and Sara are a Canadian indie rock duo formed in 1995 in Calgary, composed of identical twin sisters Tegan
Rain Quin and Sara Keirsten Quin. Both play the guitar and keyboards, and write their songs.
Tegan Quin
Sara Quin
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Genre(s): Indie rock, new wave, indie pop, indie folk, synthpop
Active From: 1995-present
"When people get to know us they see that we're very different,"
Tegan Quin

"We're so polar from one another, I think sometimes that does make us very similar. I think we're both very sensitive and both very introverted and shy, but we make up for it by being very extroverted when we get uncomfortable, which is pretty much all the time."
Tegan Quin

My dad used to open up photo albums and stuff and you'd have to tell a story about the picture but you couldn't tell the truth so you had to make up a story about whatever you were looking at. He really taught us how to lie.
Sara Quin

We've told stories at the beginning of this record that we've kind of gone back to but they've changed because they're always open to interpretation especially if its about our childhood or our relationship. It always changing as someone else will give us perspective, so we change it and mum will say "That never happened!" Well tell the stories more bigger because it's a lie now.
Tegan Quin

You learn over time. I think as you get older and you want to learn how not to push your families buttons, you learn how not to deal with them and stuff.
Tegan Quin

There is a certain amount of stress that you wouldn't have if you didn't have a sibling on the road, but at the same time, there's a certain amount of security in knowing that we can ignore each other or we can be annoyed at each other, but it doesn't mean that we're going to quit. I know I can show up at the club and she's not going to be AWOL.
Tegan Quin
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