Foot in the door
And door in the face and sing
Meet me in the middle
Do the Overton Window Swing
Meet me in the middle for a little
Move it just to the right
The left's the old middle
New middle's little up tight
There's not the left or the right
There's just the right and the wrong
And now the right's in the wrong
And now the wrong loves this song
And the wrong runs the ring
And the wrong does the swing
Foot in the door
And door in the face and sing
Meet me in the middle
Do the Overton
You know what to do
Meet me in the middle for a little
Move it just to the right
The left's the old middle
New middle's little up tight
There's not the left or the right
There's just the right and the wrong
And now the right's in the wrong
And the wrong loves this song
And the wrong runs the ring
And the wrong does the swing, f*ckers