Killers, Deceivers, Hypocrites
Claiming to fight against
Terrorists, Extremists, Communists
Fictional Enemies of
Liberty, Humanity, Democracy
That really turns out to be
Tyranny, Poverty, Insanity
The Policy of the
North Atlantic Terror Org.
Bringing Peace by dropping Bombs
Causing civil Casualties
In the Name of Liberty
Traitors, Dictators, Destroyers
Intervening sovereign
Territories, Colonies, Boundaries
Corrupting all their
Industry, Economy, Morality
Obliteration of
National Dignity, History
Surrender to the
North Atlantic Terror Org
Bringing Peace by dropping Bombs
New World Order Tendency
Age of modern Slavery
Inhuman Virus from the USA
Dominates above the World today
Sick Ambition of a western Nation
Overlord of all Abominations