Smile get a little bigger
The Lord himself couldn't keep me from the trigger
Always the tumbling figure
Got more than a couple voices in between the ears
I don't think you want this near you
Storm clouds more than not throughout the year
Yeah there's a little bit of cheer
Sprinkled in between the deluge just to make you think it's clear
Walk out build something special
Feel this time is different bless you
Haven't learnt a lesson that's too bad because what comes next is scheduled
A sinking vessel
Caught in between the mortar and pestle
Pressed into a perfect powder in Ziploc bags I find my power
Time ticks and I fear the next hour
Keenly aware that the milk goes sour
That the wilt awaits the flower
Do I really need some special reason to bow out?
Contorting lost in thought I can't be bought I talk this talk but move in some other way
Scowling face means keep away
I don't respond to wise advice, got an ego that you cannot size
Yes I'll always be this way, a corpse's mind cannot be changed
Looking for a modern saviour, got sites online where you can choose your flavour
Got a liquorice Krishna, pepper scripture, three payments an eternal fixture
Ha ha ha, that's funny
He's feeling down, makes moping sounds, the f*cking clown throws in the towel
Three or four times a day, I often wish he'd go away
But it seems I'm stuck with him, I've got a ball and chain around my shin
I break a bone I try and slip, out of his incessant grip
Take that trip go overseas, get lost in an ocean breeze, but I know that he'll be back
Open arms and a cackling laugh
Ha ha ha, so funny