Oh that others might see
The ruler of the nations
The king who simply spoke
And gave birth to creation
Red, yellow, black and white
Yes we are all
Precious in his sight
And like the skilled artist
That he is
He chose only the finest of colors
The richest of hues
No watercolor
Or oil pastel
But handcrafted
With a vibrant love
That penetrates to even
The very depths of Hell
And there's no paint
On the drop cloth
Not a smudge on his face
But there are
Blood spatters
That cover this canvas
With the most
Beautiful shade of grace
And in His sovereignty
He created you
And He created me
And coated us
In divine pigment that
The eye should see
You see
Being colorblind
Does not
Flatter the artist
The craftsman
Does not build
Just so the observer can deny
His creation's
Intentional uniqueness
All for the sake
Of social relativity
So today
I say
I see you
I refuse to use a trendy crutch
That only serves to lift me
Out of the truth
So I will stand
And say
I see you
To my African sister
To my Asian brother
I see you
To anyone who has ever dreaded
The phrase
Please select one
Or Other
I see you
And to those who look like me
There is no reason
To feel threatened
Because others
Are finally being seen
In a Kingdom currency
One gem doesn't lose value
Just because another has it too
So let us all rejoice in a level playing field
Let us all rejoice at the sight of a
Kingdom Come
Of His will be done
Let us rejoice for the
Blood that ran red
And covered every shade of sin
And for the one who
Displays His majesty
So carefully
So thoughtfully
Through every
Pigment of purpose
Reflected on our skin
And for the hands that
Knit us together in secret
For the mind of the sculptor Whose Marvelous vision
Etched itself into
The sweet soft clay that lay Awaiting in your mother's womb
All to prove
That we are a
One of a kind exhibit
Demonstrating the truest form Of artistic integrity
Steeped in diversity
And colors bursting to be seen
I refuse to walk through a gallery
Of works slathered
In shades of grays
Produced by fear
And hung with hate
I refuse to deny
The colorful masterpiece
That my God
Portrays throughout
All mankind
I refuse to be