I've got a jingle on piano
It is quite simple, but also quite good
D to E7, sounds so dramatic
D to E7, sounds so good
Now we go up, we hit a climax
Aw f*ck I just played the wrong chord
Now that I've done that
How do I go
Transition into a refrain
Ah there ya go
Playing piano isn't as hard as it seems
Playing piano can be done by losers like me
Sorry, I'm getting a call, gimme a sec
Hey, it's me
You're me from the future?
And you're saying no one will listen to this
If I don't add anything?
Like what?
Another instrument?
Here comes the drum
I was gonna call this song 'piano'
But now that doesn't really work as well
But jokes on you, I'll just use my keyboard
To play a midi violin and stuff
I have to say, this sounds pretty epic
Seems like that wrong chord is a staple now too
Now 50 percent of the tracks were made on keyboard
So can I call this song piano?
The votes are in, the answer is no
Creating a song isn't as hard as it seems
Creating a song can be done by losers like me
If you made it through this song
I thank you very much
Cause if you listened to this song
Much meaning it had not