The mountain looms in the clouds above
Although of the earth, it stands with the gods
It was so easy to stare at screen while all outside was in vibrant green
So I fed the mind while body withered away
Now I put one foot before the other and a journey begins
The hammering of my heart, the great flesh anvil
The same redfire heart with which this life is forged thunders
With the thrill of the unknown path
Thor's hammer pounding against my chest
The terror that succeeds the shapes surrounding in the forest mist
The air that fills with mythic taste which binds to me from heart to fist
And when I re-emerge and leave the fog with the trees the thoughts
I've won are seared to me forevermore
The hammering of my heart, the great flesh anvil
The same redfire heart on which all myth is born
Flares at the distant scent of laurel wreaths
Heaves at the sight of a newfound path
Lugh's fire roaring within my chest
Here sits our hundred 'lectric years in the shadow of Chthonic millennia
Is this progress? As we sit our waking hours in worship at diode altars
Diodes only displace darkness; they never illuminate
You, who would choose the dark so the sun might burn even brighter as it soars
You, who would lose the brightness of the diode to regain the night and its lore
Your season is nigh
I can feel it on the wind
I can smell the chthonic climes as the vernal rains begin
You, who would spend waking hours
With life immense in passion, pulse, and power
You, who would walk through hexadecimal thunder
With the will of the advancing hunter
Your season is nigh
I can feel it on the wind
I can smell the Chthonic climes as the vernal rains begin
I walk the banks of the stream of electric thought
I cross to the warmth of where I once was
I look down to see a sixfold flame in hand
Sing me the dark songs of Chthonia
Sing life immense in passion and pulse
I am the snow that falls: incessant, relentless, boundless
I am the rain that whips: raging, cleansing, cool
I am the sun that burns: awakened and scatt'ring the clouds
I am the heart that heaves: renewed, thundering
Sing me the dark songs of Chthonia
Sing me the song of Metachthonia
Sing me life immense in passion and pulse
I am the river that swells: incessant, relentless, boundless
I am the dam that bursts: raging, cleansing, cool
I am the stride ahead. I am the journey that begins
You, spiritwalker, igniter of the sixfold flame!
You, who breathe the essence of fire and exhale the chant of life
You who rend the earth and snow beneath your feet
As you hurl yourself through endless miles of trails
To the summit of your pursuits
In mist we walk through the lands of Metachthonia
From mist we emerge and build the fires of old Chthonia
And the fires burn bright, all across the earth
For any who wish to find them
For any who wish to find them
For the fires burn bright, all across the earth
One foot before the other, and another journey begins
In mist we walk, we sovereigns of old Chthonia
From mist we emerge, crowned sovereigns of Metachthonia
Rule on into the dusk