We dream we build, we learn, we love
We help, we giver
We will rise above
We rise above
We rise above
We rise above
We rise above
We are free to be who we want to be
Under the stars and stripes of liberty
We are free to be who we want to be
Under the stars and stripes of liberty
Stars and stripes of liberty
We are farmers dawn to duskers in Nebraska
We are bakers and responders in Nevada
We are workers in a blizzard in Alaska
We are lovers in the summers of Montana
We are divers rocket fliers in Nebraska
We are teachers wearing sneakers in Dakota
We are miners nine to fivers in Iowa
We are sailors yonder in Pearl Harbor
We are free to be who we want to be
Under the stars and stripes of liberty
We are free to be who we want to be
Under the stars and stripes of liberty
Stars and stripes of liberty
We rise above
We remain free by fighting tyranny
Freedom is the phoenix of liberty
Arise the phoenix of liberty
Arise the phoenix of liberty
We are farmers dawn to duskers in Nebraska
We are bakers and responders in Nevada
We are workers in a blizzard in Alaska
We are lovers in the summers of Montana
We are divers rocket fliers in Nebraska
We are teachers wearing sneakers in Dakota
We are workers in a blizzard in Alaska
We are lovers in the summers of Montana
We are free to be who we want to be
Under the stars and stripes of liberty
Stars and stripes of liberty
We are free to be who we want to be
Under the stars and stripes of liberty
Stars and stripes of liberty
We rise above
We rise above
Every day we dream, we believe, we laugh, we love
We hope, we give
We rise above
Yeah, we rise above
We rise above
We rise above
We rise above
We rise above
Yeah, we dream to be the best we can be
To remain free, arise the Phoenix of Liberty
Arise, the Phoenix of Liberty
Arise, the Phoenix of Liberty
Arise, the Phoenix of Liberty
Yeah, yeah