I feel it coming around the bend
Each day has fearful expectation
That the sins of my life
The judgement I deserve
Are coming to crush me down
Waiting for your mighty hand
To lay me to waste forever
For all my mistakes
Bad choices I made
To take away everything I hold dear
It looms over me like a heavy black cloud
Ready to drop its lightning and hail
It will sap me of strength
For the rest of my days
My hope will be gone
And my heart embittered and frail
Why wait oh Lord? Why tarry any longer?
I'm already anxious and somber
Rain down the hurt, I know I deserve
And let me fear it no longer
I helplessly cling to your mercy
Only you can save, or curse me
My lifes' in your hands, I'm a pawn of your plans
Whether they're for, or against me