Strive for oneness sisters
In the binding power of mercy, peace and love
Eager to live in harmony
A single tree cannot thrive in a forest alone
Therefore how can we bear worries and strife on our own?
Therefore how can we bear worries and strife on our own?
Unite, dear sisters, in resilience and courage
The Lord is our foundation
The Earth beneath our feet
Let our roots grow deep
Let prayer and praise
Bloom with beauty throughout our lives
Render humility
Guide with gentleness
Demonstrate patience
Radiate love
Emerge as stunning foliation
Standing firm in an unrivalled Creator
Building one another up in
Building one another up in
Building one another up in
Building one another up in
Stand strong and full of grace
Enriching our lives with His Word
Grow our branches from the vine
Let the Son's light reign down
Peace and comfort in our lives
Let His light grow us together
May our branches intertwine
With each other, through Him