I'm sorry Iz
I was afraid of sharing
That I changed my mind
Changed myself
All by myself?
All alone?
I changed my mind
On kids and on marriage
On Mollie
I saw my pain for what it was
Unfulfilled aspirations
To have and be had
I'm sorry Iz
I know you said again and
Again that my pain
Was in charge of my desires
All along
That I'd hurt you
And I heard you say it
But didn't
Then still I let us garner more
Unfulfilled aspirations
To have and be had
And now you're hurt
And I am quiet
Watching you cry
Watching me watching you
All by yourself?
All alone?
You think you have
Confirmed you're unworthy
Of loving
It's not so different from my own
Unfulfilled aspirations
To have and be had
Except you cry
You know to cry I'm jealous
You cry
I can cry in my dreams
All by myself
All alone
I changed my mind
On kids and on marriage
On mollie?
The eagle never lost so much
Time as when
She submitted to learn of the crow
The crow did learn
To turn his gaze
From the dead to the living
To have and be had