What I hate is hate
What love has built it eradicates
What I hate is hate
We need a wall but between church and state
What I hate is hate
In the petri dish of dumb it waits
It's openin' up the gates of hell, oh righteous ones
Comin' down from right and left, mate
News stars egos stirrin' up the pot of anger
They're encouragin' everyone to take a sword and side
Tweets are representin' mobs fond of judging
And the powerful are riding on their tide
Political correctness aidin' and abetting
Thinks it's got a patent on what's wrong and right
Social media lets people tout their self-importance
Even those who monger hate don't need to hide
What I hate is hate
In the streets let's congregate
No it's not too late
Greet change with joy not fear, ya hear
What I hate is hate
And why's that Bible Belt so irate
Love does await
When we accept, not tolerate
It's hard to spread the love when you're workin' three jobs
And life's mediocre chores seem to conspire
Together they can rob us of our spiritual nature
Don't allow this state to give you bloodshot eyes
What I hate is hate
For fewer guns why must we wait
For more deaths to accumulate
The heartless logic really grates
40,000 deaths a year by bullets tend to show us
That amendment number two might have some flaws
Get the NRA's dough out of politicians' pockets
Then it'll be a piece of cake to change the laws
Who in their right mind must guard the right to murder
But on the way we mustn't vilify
It's all about rebirth and not persecution
And if you don't believe me just ask Jesus Christ
What I hate is hate
I 'm urgin' each and every race
Love we must create
Just like those holy Joes pontificate
Just like those holy Joes pontificate