This is the story of the loser who wears a bag on his head
Ashamed, scared, and overwhelmed by who he is and who he never could be
Incapable of facing his face, he eats the lunch his loving
Overworked mother packed, halfway between his home and the bus stop at 7:15
He follows his Lucky Charms and OJ with a diet coke
A ham and mayonnaise sandwich and sun chips
And promptly pulls the brown paper mask over his pathetic brownish-green eyes
Meet the loser who wears a bag on his head. This is him
At 7:25 the yellow bus pulls up and Ricky, the bus driver with 2 DUIs
Pulls the lever to open the double door gates
Schlumping up the steps, the zoo of below average, average
And above average school kids laugh at the loser who wears a bag on his head
"Why would he wear a bag on his head?" "Wow he looks ridiculous"
"I would never be caught wearing a bag on my head"
He-s, She-s, and They-s laugh at the brown paper bag
The loser who wears a bag on his head reaches into his coat pocket
And grabs his sharp Dixon-Ticonderoga #2
Pencil and pokes two eye holes that can't reveal his pathetic brownish-green eyes
The loser who wears a bag on his head laughs too
The loser with a brown paper bag laughs harder
The End