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Tori Amos Lyrics

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From the Album 1. Knocking 2. Day and Night (from the Faerie Workshop) 3. Building a Mountain 4. Insect Ballet 5. Anna's Bakery 6. Mermaid Muse Speaks 7. Spike's Lament 8. Rain Brings Change 9. S'Magic Day

From the Album 1. Bliss 2. JuaRez 3. Concertina 4. Glory Of The 80s 5. Lust 6. Suede 7. Josephine 8. Riot Poof 9. Datura 10. Spring Haze 11. 1000 Oceans 12. Precious Things 13. Cruel 14. Cornflake Girl 15. Bells For Her 16. Girl 17. Cooling 18. Mr. Zebra 19. Cloud On My Tongue 20. Sugar 21. Little Earthquakes 22. Space Dog 23. The Waitress 24. Purple People

From the Album 1. Spark 2. Cruel 3. Black-Dove (January) 4. Raspberry Swirl 5. Jackies Strength 6. iieee 7. Liquid Diamonds 8. Shes Your Cocaine 9. Northern Lad 10. Hotel 11. Playboy Mommy 12. Pandoras Aquarium 13. Purple People

From the Album 1. Beauty Queen - Horses 2. Blood Roses 3. Father Lucifer 4. Professional Widow 5. Mr. Zebra 6. Marianne 7. Caught A Lite Sneeze 8. Muhammad My Friend 9. Hey Jupiter 10. Way Down 11. Little Amsterdam 12. Talula 13. Not The Red Baron 14. Agent Orange 15. Doughnut Song 16. In the Springtime of His Voodoo 17. Putting The Damage On 18. Twinkle

From the Album 1. Pretty Good Year 2. God 3. Bells For Her 4. Past The Mission 5. Baker Baker 6. The Wrong Band 7. The Waitress 8. Cornflake Girl 9. Icicle 10. Cloud On My Tongue 11. Space Dog 12. Yes Anastasia

From the Album 1. Crucify 2. Girl 3. Silent All These Years 4. Precious Things 5. Winter 6. Happy Phantom 7. China 8. Leather 9. Mother 10. Tear In Your Hand 11. Me and a Gun 12. Little Earthquakes

Other Songs 16 Shades Of Blue 29 Years 500 Miles 97 Bonnie and Clyde '97 Bonnie & Clyde A Case Of You A Happy Day A Silent Night With You A Sorta Fairytae A Sorta Fairytale Abbey Road Abnormally Attracted To Sin Addition of Light Divided After All Alamo Almost Rosey Amazing Grace Amber Waves America American Pie Angels Angie Another Girls Paradise Apollo's Frock Bachelorette Baltimore Bang Barons Of Suburbia Bats Battle Of Trees Beauty Of Speed Beauty Queen Benjamin Better Angels Beulah Land Big Wheel Birthday Baby Black - Dove Black Swan Black-Dove Blue Skies Body And Soul Bouncing Off Clouds Breakaway Broken Arrow Bug A Martini Butterfly Cactus Practice Candle: Coventry Carol Carbon Carnival Carry Cars And Guitars Caught A Light Sneeze Chocolate Song Christmastide Circle of Seasons Climb Cloud Riders Code Red Cool On Your Island Crazy Curtain Call Daisy Dead Petals Daniel Dark Side Of The Sun Desperado Devils And Gods Devils Bane Digital Ghost Dixie Do It Again Dolphin Song Dont Make Me Come To Vegas Down By The Seaside Dragon Dream On Edge Of The Moon El Tamborilero Emmanuel Enjoy The Silence Etienne Etienne Trilogy Etienne Trilogy-Etienne Etienne-Skyeboat Song Famous Blue Raincoat Fast Horse Fat Slut Fathers Son Fayth Fearlessness Fire On The Side Fire To Your Plain Fire-eater's Wife Firefly Flavor Floating City Flowers Burn to Gold Flying Dutchman For Mark Forest Of Glass Forever Frog On My Toe Garlands Garys Girl General Joy Giants Rolling Pin Girl Disappearing Give Gold Dust Goodbye Pisces Graveyard Happiness Is A Warm Gun Happy Worker Harps Of Gold Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Heart Attack At 23 Heart Of Gold Here In My Head Here With Me Holly Holly Ivy And Rose Home On The Range (Cherokee Edition) Home on the Range(Cherokee) Home On The Range:Cherokee Edition Honey Hoochie Woman Horses How Glass is Made Humpty Dumpty Hungarian Wedding Song I Cant See New York I Dont Like Mondays I Ran I Wanna Get Back With You If 6 Was 9 Iiee Iiiee Im Not In Love Im On Fire In The Spring Time Of His Voodoo Indian Summer Invisible Boy Ireland Jamaica Inn Jeanette, Isabella Jeannette Isabella Jobs Coffin Keep This Fire Burning Lady In Blue Landslide Like a Prayer Little Drummer Boy Livin' on a Prayer London Girls Losing My Religion Love Song Maids Of Elfen-Mere Marthas Foolish Ginger Mary Mary Jane Marys Eyes Marys Of The Sea Maybe California Merman Metal Water Wood Mohammed My Friend Mother Revolution Mountain Mr. Bad Man Mrs. Jesus Muhammed My Friend Murder He Says My Favorite Things My Posse Can Do [Bonus Track] Nautical Twilight Never Seen Blue New Age Night Of Hunters Not David Bowie Not Dying Today Ocean to Ocean Ode to My Clothes Ode To The Banana King Ode To The Banana King (Part I) Ode To the Banana King(Part 1) Om La Boomleigh Omla Bomleigh On The Boundary Only Women Bleed Operation Peter Pan Operator Ophelia Original Sinsuality Our New Year Over the Rainbow Over the Rainbow [Live] Oysters Pain In My Hole Pancake Parasol Peeping Tommi Pink And Glitter Pirates Police Me Posse Bonus Programmable Soda Promise Purple Rain Purple Sunset Putting The Demage On Raining Blood Raspberry Swirl(Lip Gloss Version) Rattlesnakes Real Men Reindeer King Ribbons Undone Ring My Bell Riot Proof Riot Roof Roosterspur Bridge Rose Dover Rubies And Gold Rubles and Gold Ruby Through the Looking-Glass Samurai Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Sarah Sylvia Cynthia Stout Scarlets Walk Seaside Secret Spell Selkie Shattering Sea Siren Sister Janet Sister Named Desire Sleeps With Butterflies Slient All These Years Smells Like Teen Spirit Smokey Joe Snow Angel Snow Cherries From France SnowBlind Somewhere Over The Rainbow Song For Eric Sorta Fairytale Speaking with Trees Spies Star of Wonder Star Whisperer Starling Stay Awake Strange Strange Fruit Strange Little Girl Strong Black Vine Suzanne Sweet Dreams Sweet Sangria Sweet The Sting Swim to New York State Take Me With You Take To The Sky. Take to the Sky (Russia) Talula [BT's Tornado Mix] Taxi Ride Teenage Hustling Thank You That Guy Thats What I Like Thats What I Like Mick Thats What I Like Mick(The Sandwich Song) The Beekeeper The Big Picture The Chase The Circle Game The Happy Worker The Little Drummer Boy The Needle And The Damage Done The Pool The Power Of Orange Knickers This Old Man Thoughts Thunder Road Til The Chicken Time Tiul The Chickens Toast Tombigbee Toodles Mr Jim Troubles Lament Unrepentant Geraldines Up The Creek Upside Down Velvet Revolution Virginia Walk To Dublin Walking With You Wampum Prayer Weatherman Wedding Day Wednesday Welcome To England What Child Nowell When I Was Dreaming White Telephone To God Whole Lotta Love Whole Lotta Love/Thank You Wild Way Wildwood Wings Winters Carol Witness Wrapped Around Your Finger Yo George You Belong To Me You Can Bring Your Dog You Go To My Head You Make Me Feel Brand New Your Cloud Your Ghost Zero Point
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Tori Amos is an American pianist, singer-songwriter and composer. She is a classically trained musician and possesses a mezzo-soprano vocal range.

Amos originally served as the lead singer of 1980s synthpop group Y Kant Tori Read, and as a solo artist was at the forefront of a number of female singer-songwriters in the early 1990s.

Tori Amos had sold over 12 million albums worldwide. She has been nominated for several awards, including 8 Grammy Award nominations. -Wikipedia
Birth Name: Myra Ellen Amos
Born: August 22, 1963 (age 61)
From: Newton, North Carolina, United States
Genre(s): Piano rock, alternative rock, art pop, art rock, electronica, classical, baroque pop
Instrument(s): Piano, harpsichord, clavichord, Hammond organ, harmonium, Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Kurzweil, clavinet, vocals
Occupation(s): Musician, singer-songwriter, record producer, composer
Active From: 1979-present
Associated Acts: Y Kant Tori Read
"I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places."

"I'm too wacky for most weirdos, who am I to judge?"

"The music is the magic carpet that other things take naps on."

"I just try to strip myself, peel myself like an onion. At different layers I discover stuff. I do it publicly, and if it helps to inspire somebody else, which inspires somebody else, we're talking about a really exciting world here."

After breast-feeding her daughter for the first time: "An ounce of breast milk is even more potent then the finest tequila."

Commentary on the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on America: "Don't you think it's really important now that there's a forum, that we're talking about all sides of what happened September 11 and what led up to it? We need to do some research; we need to think about, Why is the world where it is? It's so deep-rooted, if we really start looking, and we might not like what we find. But I think we have to, we have to ask the questions."

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