You will never cage me
I will break free of eighty
Ways and means
To stay unseen
You've made for me
You will never waste an opportunity to faithfully
Chase after both my communities' safety
Here, I say and mean
You'll never call me crazy
I'm unashamedly
As black and gay as the way I was favorably made to be
You will never cage me
Beyond you, there's a way for me
Beyond you, there's a god you love who loves and gives me bravery
Beyond you, there's a god you love who love's my friends contagiously
Beyond you, there's a god who's tempted like me, not mistakenly
And if I don't believe in him, I don't want you to pray for me
I want you to respect me and I want you unafraid of me
I'm people
You will not say that's not legally so
I am equal
So unspeakably so
You unleash in me a fever with a heat
That vehemently
Melts the secrecy
Of what my freedom means to me
Who needs you to know
That I can love him?