If I think I'm gonna be in another bad relationship
The code word catches the red flag and I run!
Save your heart just dart!
That's my new country girl advice
I'm working on not being so damn nice
Be smart protect your heart queens!
Don't stick around when you see the signs
Run for the hills leave it all behind!
Run run run away from the pain!
Run run towards a much better game!
Run run run away from the pain!
Run run towards a much better game!
Don't be fooled by sweet words and a smile
Trust your gut and run that extra mile!
Listen to your intuition it knows best
Say goodbye to the ones who failed the test
Keep your heart safe and sound
Don't let anyone bring you down
Run run run away from the pain
Run run towards a much game
Run run run away from the pain
Run run towards a much better game
Run run run away from the pain
Run run towards a much better game!
Run run run away from the pain
Run run towards a much better game
Run run run away from the pain
Run run towards a much better game
Run run run away from the pain
Run run towards a much better game!