Take you to the show
Spill pop on you knees
Talk when I want, do
What I please
Popcorn run, talk to a girl
You make me feel like I ended
Your world..back to the
Car after the show..a look
From you and I know to go
Back home now, you don't
Say a word, the way you treat
Me is so absurd
C (sayin)I know what it is your talking
About ,I know what you mean
Drop you at the mall to let you shop
Forget to pick you up and you get hot
On the way back, we stop to eat,
I ask about your diet and you weren't to
C (sayin)I know what it is your talking
About ,I know what you mean
Footballs on, just missed the call
Can't hear you just go to the mall
Don't understand, why your still
Here, since you are go get me a beer
Left the seat up, you fell in I'm so
Sorry where do I begin
Can't stop it..it's the way I am
It's not my fault I am a man
C (sayin)I know what it is your talking
About ,I know what you mean
C (sayin)I know what it is your talking
About I know what you mean