It's sort of magnificent
How everything works
How we can say goodbye
Then say goodbye again
Just short of magnificent
When everything hurts
How we may start to cry
But then feel good again
Well I'm not saying my health is gold
When I feel so shitty and feel so old
And it runs from me
When everything is working fine
But I've got way too much on my mind
The future still runs from me
Runs from me
It's sort of magnificent
How everything works
I can fall on down a hill
And still come back again
Just short of magnificent
When everything works
How we can say goodbye
And say goodbye again
Somebody out there told me
To give a little more to the world around me
And do it while I'm still young
But I don't feel young
Well I'm not saying my health is gold
When I feel so shitty and feel so old
And it runs from me
When everything is working fine
But I've got way too much on my mind
The future still runs from me
It runs from me
Runs from me
Runs from me
Run from me
Runs from me
Well somebody out there told me
To give a little more to the world around me but
I tell you it
Runs from me, runs from me oh yeah