Sitting on the edge of everything I've ever known
Contemplating a multiverse where new stories unfold
There's a reoccuring figure whose story's never told
So far, so close
There's a man in the distance
Always alone
A haunting feeling we're connected in some way
But every time I try to catch his face he turns away
Like a glitch he just won't go, he just won't stay
An elusive glance of a man in the distance
Observing events always from a distance
Never interacting as if out of existence
A ghost in the system wrapped up in mystery
Wrapped in his overcoat, his hat pulled way down low
The one that does not belong, the one no one will know
Yet strangely familiar the way he holds his weight
Can't put my finger on, I'm just too late
There seems to be a man in the distance
I can't see his face he always has his back to me
Who can it be, that man in the distance
He turns, finally I see
It's me
It's me
It's me