He hates me
It's obvious to me
He never cracks a smile
I think you would agree
When it's time for my lunch
I can feel the nasty glares
When I am waiting for the elevator
He decides to take the stairs
For more proof of his hate
I'll provide one more
The company we work at
Is on the 43rd floor
We used to joke around
And have some laughs
Then some kind of switch went off
Then we were cut in half
I know I can't change you
I can only control myself
I did nothing to estrange you
You'll likely do this to someone else
Why you gotta be such a hater
I did nothing to deserve it
You know you're gonna see me later
Yet you still decide to serve it
Why you gotta be such a hater
I did nothing to deserve it
You know you're gonna see me later
Yet you still decide to serve it
It could be that you are just angry
It could be that you are just sad
People are complex
So I'll never understand
I will deal and do my best
As I just love working here
I guess I'll just accept you, hater
From you, I have no fear
On you, I have no fear
Ahh yeah
Why you gotta be such a hater
I did nothing to deserve it
You know you're gonna see me later
Yet you still decide to serve it
Ta ta
Why you gotta be such a hater
I did nothing to deserve it
You know you're gonna see me later
Yet you still decide to serve it
Enjoy the long walk down the stairs
The stairs
The stairs
You're giving me the stares
You're taking the stairs
Ahh yeah