Craving, stalking
On a hunt for attention
Ready to act, overreact
Anything to get a mention
Popularity is rising
Some encouraging statistics
Artificial stars amusing
Generated audiences
Social networks
Augmented reality
Dances around the ritual stone
Countless friends who make each other so
Unloved and alone
Childish images
Insecure avatars
Sending feelings in digital form
Stuck in a dead end
Beaten by own design
One more candle blown
Bouncing, screeching
Rating system approved
Dystopian zoo
Statutory apes
Critical thinking abolished
Presumption of innocence forgotten
Lemmings running over the edge
Social networks
Augmented reality
Dances around the ritual stone
Countless friends just make each other more
Unloved and alone
Childish images
Insecure avatars
Sending feelings in digital form
Stuck in a dead end
Beaten by own design
One more candle blown
Wasted lives. Fake worlds. It's all the same. Unending spiral.
Attracted by the flavours
Of a bright artificial life
Unending spiral of escape
Canned laughter sounding
Tangled cables holding tight
A simulation of the world that's left behind
Open a door just to find another one
Leading to the same place over again
How post ironic, abandon the real world
To rebuild better and nothing has changed
Wasted generations
Hooked up on dreams of a better life
Losing all connection
Voluntary suicide
Building new worlds to see
History repeating itself
Flaws of human nature
Are in every one
Canned laughter
Is just a metaphor
To describe modern digital life
You can guess why
Empty lives, fake emotions
Likes and views that mean nothing
Wasting your life away