Memorable story illusion or reality
Exceeding of explanation
Leading to anxiety
Hyperphysical power hidden shadow
Disrupts your restful sleep
Lost soul roams over night
You feel its steps and hear its weep
Uncalled monsters midnight ghosts
Frightening mind when you should take a rest
Headless figures arouse madness of thoughts
Often you dream with one eye open
Unknown hand pulls you away
After squeezing pillow¥s corner
Shocking awakening into emptiness
Wakeful nights terrible dreams
Black straying of trapped souls
Apparitions crackling sounds
Empty room full of questions
Fast heartbeat shivery breath
Torrent of a gelid sweat
You feel a frost on your back
Foreign hand wandering on your neck
Arcane face with gloomy veil
Bringing a fear and despair close to your bed
You cannot forget that face
Waiting until night turns to day
Fitfull sleep the mind aflame
Confusing imagery of Hell
Madness of sleep