[ Featuring Reno Cruz ]
Hello hello, come in
I open my heart and arms to you
I pray that however long you stay
You're just as comfortable as I
Wanted to be
This is where I wanted to be
I've given all of me
And built these walls
To happily reside
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time, hey
Pillars of mysterium and
Imperium divinely
Bestowed unto those who
Call out to it
Amethysts and diamonds and
Aquamarine colored
Cracks in the walls
To keep the shape
Of manifesting powers
Of petals of flowers
Of man made magic liquid gold
So he can bathe in the riches of his labor
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time
On the moon, on the moon
With nothing but time, hey
Nothing but time
Out of my mind
Nothing but time
Out of my mind