I'm not even surprised anymore how we are being killed like we're animals
I'm not even surprised
I'm not even surprised anymore
The way our lives matter less than gorillas and lions and dogs
I'm not even surprised
I'm not even surprised anymore when another brothers life is taken by another brother
For ends neither of them own
Or for having on the wrong colour
Crabs in a barrel pulling down each other
Self hate so strong we fight the people who look like the man in the mirror
Staining this earth with blood to gain points not realising that in the end game
We still lose
I'm not even surprised anymore when people try to tell me
That he was shot because police felt unsafe
Even as a brother laid dead 4 bullets to the chest
With all manner of proof and still no arrest
I'm not even surprised anymore how we still have to chant and rant and scream that
And we DO NOT deserve to be MURDERED
For no reason other than being alive a choice we didn't even make...
Yet still it falls on deaf ears even as another family fears
That they will be the next hashtag to this movement
I'm not even surprised anymore the way we get told
"All lives matter" a protest to our protest
When Nikolas shot up a school and was arrested without incident
But Tamir played in the park and got shot
I'm not even surprised anymore how we can say I can't breathe and they scream back "F*ck your breath"
I'm not even surprised anymore that chants of "hands up don't shoot"
And we still getting gunned down
So do not be surprised when we rise because a hashtag isn't enough
And sure as hell isn't a measure of their lives
I'm not even surprised anymore
BUT I am afraid
So if they won't hear us we will scream it till they do
And I don't care what anyone says if enough people jump at the same time
Best know the earth will shake and I'd be Goddamned if we don't make it quake
I may not be surprised anymore but I am very very afraid
Simply a Poet