Eagle soaring, high above
King of the sky, full of love
Spread your wings, and fly so free
Eagle's watching, you and me!
Flying high, flying high in the sky
Flapping wings, reaching for the sky so high
Birds and butterflies, soaring above
Flying high, full of love!
Owl swooping, silently in the night
Big round eyes, shining bright
Hoo-hoo-hoo, the owl does call
Hunting softly, standing tall.
Butterfly flitting, wings so bright
Dancing in the sunshine, what a sight!
From flower to flower, sipping sweet nectar
Butterfly's flying, can you track her?
Flying high, flying high in the sky
Flapping wings, reaching for the sky so high
Birds and butterflies, soaring above
Flying high, full of love!
Hummingbird buzzing, wings a blur
Sipping nectar, with a tiny whir
A tiny helicopter, in the air
Hummingbird's flying, everywhere!
Bat flapping, in the twilight glow
A furry flyer, to and fro
Echolocation, helps him see
Bat's flying, wild and free.
Flying high, flying high in the sky
Flapping wings, reaching for the sky so high
Birds and butterflies, soaring above
Flying high, full of love!
Goose honking, in a V formation
Flying south, for their migration
Long journey, through the sky so blue
Geese are flying, me and you! (Mimic flying)
Swan gliding, on the water bright
Graceful wings, a beautiful sight
Peaceful and calm, a gentle sway
Swan is flying, come what may.
Hummingbird buzzing, wings a blur
Sipping nectar, with a tiny whir
A tiny helicopter, in the air
Hummingbird's flying, everywhere!
Flying high, flying high in the sky
Flapping wings, reaching for the sky so high
Birds and butterflies, soaring above
Flying high, full of love!
So many creatures, flying free
In the sky, for all to see
Spread your wings, and join the fun
Flying high, 'til day is done!