You got your ticket in your hand
You know where you want to go
You packed your hopes and dreams in a suitcase
You stand waiting for the train
(The Train's arriving,) It'll take you where you want
(The Train's arriving), Just step aboard
(The Train's arriving), It's the journey of a lifetime
(The Train's arriving), Don't just stand there
[Verse 2]
You don't know if you want to go
You look back at everything you're leaving
You think back to your glory days
You wonder if your best days are behind you
(The Train's arriving), It'll take you where you want
(The Train's arriving), Just step aboard
(The Train's arriving,) It's the journey of a lifetime
The Train's arriving, Don't just stand there
(The Train pulls in), doubts enter your mind
(The Train pulls in), Standing there, staring at it
(The Train pulls in), The conductor offers his hand
The Train pulls in, the door is open
[Verse 3]
You pick up your suitcase
You take a step backwards
You stand undecided about it all
You turn and walk away
(The Train's leaving), All the promise goes with it
(The Train's leaving), You'll never know the ride
(The Train's leaving), Hope, faith, and joy are all on board
The Train's left, with it goes joy and happiness
The Train's arriving...