I'll just lie here in thought
Is that such a sin?
Nothing to say
If everything's been
Bvuheiuh ih bvuh-oe-bvuh
Bvaeh-ih-bvaeh-ih wvaeh
Oeh veh oeh veh bvou-ve
Oupveue-oue-e bveh bveh ouve bvuh
Bveavu-veh bvea-our veu-vuh bveauh-bvuh bveah-bvuh
I'm too tired to want
And intrigue is spread thin
Nothing to say
If everything has been
öe-öe bveh-öe, bvehreu eu-ve ouveh
Bveh-reuh reu-ö öe-reuh bveu-eu bvou-bvu
Bruh-eu-eu eœ-e-e-e œ-œœœ bvœ-bveh oh, bveh
Bveh oue ou-ve uebvue bveh, bveh oue-ve bvœ
-œ, œ, œ, œ, œ, œ, œ, oueve bveve reau-oue-e-e reh
H'bvreah uh-reu abvreu-vu bvuh bvuh öe-e-e bvruh-bvoh
öe-öe bvouh-öe, œureh
Bvruh-bvuh oeaie-ve bvouh vuh ouh bvreh-reu oure
Bvroe-bvuh-uh bvreu öe-ue-uh-eu