There's a void ripping pieces out of my soul
Push me around and consuming me whole
Some kind of life drain again and again
I'm falling, I'm falling
All good intentions get wasted away
There's nothing left now but all these lost days
Realize that there's no turning back now
I'm falling, I'm falling
Don't you know that I'm falling
I'm fading away
Watch me struggling and crawling
See me fall from grace
Don't you know that I'm falling
But I chose this life
The harder I fall
The stronger I'll get by
Surreal fragments are passing me by
Can't figure them out no matter how hard I try
It's a constant flow over again and again
I'm falling, I'm falling
There is never an ending there is no start
I can see ground now and I will smash hard
Back myself up and forget all the strain
From falling, I'm falling