How did reality come into existence?
What is the origin of the universe?
Why? why?
Why does it even exist?
Why? why? why?
How can we Study the solar system
With the obvious lack of a theory consistent
The universe is Chaos, a yawning Abyss
Considered a divine primordial condition
Creatio ex nihilo
Creatio ex materia
Creatio ex deo
Ex nihilo nihil fit
The recurring cultural, political, and theological dispute
What is the origin of Earth, humanity, life, & the universe?
Why? why?
Why does it even exist?
Why? why? why?
Nothingness does not exist
There's nothing to measure it against
Everything necessary as totally opposite the
Inverted image of what Nothingness never was
The Big Bang of our universe a bridge to pre-existence
Creation undergoes eternal succession of universes
Possibly trillions of years of evolution in each
Religious fanatics condemned and exposed
Unscientific, religious worldview
Trying to pass religion off as fact
To disprove science for their own redemption
The theory of evolution is based upon empirical observation and logic
Creation vs. Evolution
Religion vs. Reason
Mythology vs scientific fact
Creatio ex nihilo
Creatio ex materia
Creatio ex deo
Ex nihilo nihil fit