Is this your first time (first time)
Was that the last straw
I've got my stage fright (stage fright)
Safe in a glass jaw
Is this a bad time (bad time)
Or the wrong place
Under the porch light (porch light)
You had your game face on
But baby I can see you from here
Registering perfectly clear
And I guess I gotta hand it to you
I'm such a lost cause (lost cause)
What do we do
At the last call (last call)
When I smile that way at you
Is this a late show (late show)
Or a fist fight
I've got my crossbow (crossbow)
You got your Maglite on
So baby I can see you from here
Registering perfectly clear
And I guess I gotta hand it to you
You got your windows down
So baby I can hear you this way
I'm drowning so fast in your wake
That I never know what I'm swimming to